Sacrament Preparation: RCIC

Sacrament Preparation: RCIC

For children seeking to become Catholic

If you are or have a child 7 to 17 years of age interested in becoming Catholic, look into our “Rite of Christian Initiation for Children” (RCIC) program. RCIC is open to all unbaptized (in the Catholic faith) children who would like to become Catholic.

Learn More.

Beverly Ketchel
303-469-5171, ext. 104

St. Joseph Men's Group

St. Joseph Men's Group

Men’s group

St. Joseph Men’s Group focuses on faith formation and fellowship for the men of Nativity. We seek to provide education and discussion to enlighten and enliven the Catholic spirit and strengthen the men and families at Nativity.

To join:

Carlos Ocampo
Steve Peixoto

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Confidential support to those struggling

A Stephen Minister is a trained volunteer ready to listen in a non-judgmental way while maintaining strict confidentiality. If you are going through hard times due to any reason, leave a confidential message.

Confidential Helpline: 303-469-5171, ext. 113
Confidential Email:

Totus Tuus

Totus Tuus

Catechetical program for students grades 1-12

Totus Tuus is a week-long summer program for children and teens. Eight college-aged students engage participants in the beauty of their Catholic faith through fun, energetic, and meaningful ways.

Learn More.

To join:
Grades 1-6:
Grades 7-12:

Diane Irby
303-469-5171, ext. 103

Totus Tuus High School Volunteers

Totus Tuus High School Volunteers

Help lead games and lessons at Totus Tuus day program

The elementary Totus Tuus day program needs high school volunteers to help throughout the week. As a teen volunteer, you will help the college-aged leaders by participating in the games and lessons.

Learn More.

Diane Irby
303-469-5171, ext. 103