Every year, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Archdiocese of Denver provide a number of special collections to bring to attention many groups and causes that need our support locally and globally. As a tithing parish, Nativity contributes a given amount from parish tithing for each special collection. In this way, your offertory contributions to Nativity also support the causes listed below.


January 7 - Retirement Fund for Religious
January 28 - Church in Latin America
February 1 - Black & Indian Missions
February 14/Ash Wednesday - Eastern Europe
March 10 - Catholic Relief Services
March 29/Good Friday - Holy Land
April 14 - ACA Commitment Weekend
April 28 - Catholic Home Mission Appeal
May 12 - Respect Life
May 19 - Catholic Communications Campaign
June 9 - Mission Co-op Appeal
June 30 - Peter’s Pence
July 14 - Church in Africa
August 11 - Retired and Infirm Priests of the Archdiocese of Denver
September 1 - Catholic University of America
October 20 - World Mission Sunday
November 10 - Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo
November 17 - Archdiocese Seminary Appeal
November 24 - Catholic Campaign for Human Development