
There are many different ways in which parishioners can volunteer for the parish. From teaching Faith Formation, to helping at the school, to supporting events like Nativity Days.

Before beginning volunteer activities, all parish and school volunteers must complete the Protecting God's Children Training (formerly SET) prior to beginning their activities. To complete the training, follow the steps below.

New Volunteers:

  1. Create an account at www.virtusonline.org.

  2. Register for the course called “Protecting God’s Children for Adults.” There are a few sessions scheduled at Nativity, but you may take the course at any location.

  3. After completing the course, you will receive instructions from Candy Gritz (c.gritz@nool.us) to initiate a background check.

  4. Sign the Code of Conduct form on the Virtus website.

  5. Complete and submit a Volunteer Worker Hold Harmless Agreement to Candy at c.gritz@nool.us.

Returning Volunteers:

  1. Send an email to Candy Gritz at c.gritz@nool.us to verify whether or not your Safe Environment Training is current.

  2. If you are due for the five year refresher course and/or background check, you will be directed to the online course at www.virtusonline.org and/or instructions to initiate a background check.

  3. Complete and submit a new Volunteer Worker Hold Harmless Agreement to Candy at c.gritz@nool.us

With questions, contact:

Shawn Swisher
303-469-5171, ext. 119